Why we use Panasonic Solar Panels

by | Feb 8, 2024

Trying to determine which solar panels to install in your home can be confusing. And much like choosing which make of car to buy, it often comes down to personal preference. At OC Solar, we choose to partner with Panasonic for both their top-tier functionality and seamless aesthetics. Let’s take a look at why Panasonic is our choice for solar panels and how that benefits you.

Panasonic solar panels don’t just look good—they’re hardworking and highly efficient. And they’ll quietly convert sunlight to energy for many decades to come.

Here are some key statistics:

Panasonic EVERVOLT® Photovoltaic series vs. the competition
Category Panasonic The Competition
Degradation – the loss of efficiency over time 92% efficiency after 25 years 85% efficiency after 25 years
Efficiency – how much sunlight a panel converts into electricity 22.2% efficiency 18% efficiency


Panasonic EnerVolt key features include durable and efficient design; high solar production; consistent high ratings; high quality standards; all weather performance; and complementary accessories

OC Solar Honored as Panasonic’s Residential Installer of the Year
In 2023, Panasonic Corporation of North America announced its prestigious 2023 Customer Appreciation Awards. OC Solar was named the Residential Installer of the Year in the Southern California Region. This accolade highlights OC Solar’s outstanding commitment to exceeding customer expectations through the implementation of Panasonic’s EVERVOLT® home energy solutions portfolio.

Our dedication to providing customers with the highest-quality solar and storage solutions on the market is unwavering. Our strategic partnership with industry-leading manufacturers, such as Panasonic, enables us to offer state-of-the-art products designed to meet the unique needs of our customers. Part of that commitment includes helping Southern California residents with affordable and dependable ways to say “Lights out” to your electric company. Are you ready to start the conversation? Reach out and let’s chat.

OC Solar - Residential Installer of the Year for Southern California 2023